smart | bold | innovative
How much do you know about cyber safety?
Most of the acronyms listed below have sexual meanings and motives behind them and may be used by predators.
The list below is only a mere sample of acronyms used on social media websites.
GNOC – Get Naked On Cam
TDTM – Talk Dirty To Me
NIFOC – Naked In Front Of Computer
PAW – Parents Are Watching
PIR – Parent In Room
POS – Parent Over Shoulder
CD9/Code 9 – Parent/Adult around
ASL(R P) – Age Sex Location (Race/Picture)
(L)MIRL – (Let us) meet in real life
MOS – Mom Over Shoulder
P911 – Parent emergency
PRON – Porn
S2R – Send To Receive (pictures)
FYEO – For Your Eyes Only
Train your child to be cyber smart so that they can recognise potential dangers and know how to avoid threatening situations.
Never arrange or agree to any face-to-face meetings with any person they met online;
Never post to the Internet, or send to people they do not personally know, any pictures of themselves;
Never give out any personal information about themselves, even if the information seems unimportant and innocent, to any person online;
Never download pictures from an unknown source since there could be sexually explicit images;
Never respond to messages online that are sexually suggestive, obscene, aggressive or harassing;
Never believe as true anything that may be said by people online. Remind them that people online are not always who they pretend to be and pedophiles are adept at pretending to be of the same age as your child;
Never open email attachments unless they know the person sending them and know what they contain, and
Never enter a private chat room.
Spam emails may feature some of the following warning signs:
Cyberbullying is the most prevalent form of online threat affecting children and is the deliberate use of digital media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information about, or to another person. Cyberbullying is a form of teen violence that can do lasting harm to young people and is a serious problem among teens. By being more aware of cyberbullying, teens and adults can help to fight it. Cyberbullying affects many adolescents and teens on a daily basis. Cyberbullying involves using technology, like cell phones and the Internet, to bully or harass another person. Many South African children are reluctant to report to adults when they are being bullied online.